Have you ever had a dream, but fear of the unknown held you back? Or maybe even just pure procrastination?
My mom told me that she named me Rian because, "it was unique, and I just knew you'd be unique." All of my life, I have held onto that. From the time I was a child to the present, I have held onto the one firm foundation in my life - my Lord Jesus Christ. My mom introduced me to Him at the tender age of 5 years old, and I've been pursuing Him from that point forward. I always knew that God had a grand purpose for my life, and created me with a uniqueness for His glory, and my mom was that one person who constantly reminded me of that. She was my best friend and cheerleader in every sphere of life.
On Christmas Day 2015, my mom unexpectedly graduated from this earth to her heavenly home, and ever since, I've vowed to myself to live up to the God-given potential that she encouraged and pushed me towards. I've always been passionate about photography, and have been shooting professionally for many years, but when it came down to trading in my windowless office and stable paycheck for picking up my camera full time, I would make the excuse that I would "one day", when the timing was right . My mom would always ask for my website because she wanted to direct people to it, but I always came back with the response, "I haven't designed a website yet." In fact, I would say that to many people. The fear of "jumping" and failing held me back. I'm here to tell you that the "jump" was absolutely worth it, and the only regret I have was not doing it sooner. This website is dedicated to my best friend, my confidant, my cheerleader, the one I miss every day - my momma. I love you so much & I hope when you look at me from above, you smile proudly.